Ephemeral: 613 results found.
Sharon Murray - Artist
Sharon Murray: Fire and Time are my favorite tools. Using these I create work through the transformation of materials, such as clay, metal or paint, to produce something of permanence. Poems and paintings are used as sketches and a means to preserve (transform) ephemeral moments of personal experience.
Sharonmurrayartist.com ~
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Nancy De Boni Artist and Painter
My work started as a body of figurative images involved in a narrative setting. My goal was to invoke the story-telling aspect in a manner that allows the audience to add their own interpretation to the situation suggested in the paintings. This ephemeral or transient idea lead to a more abstract point of view that was based on realism. My present work is mostly de-peopled. The interest for me now is the idea of a personal pilgrimage into the past, exploring it as a bystander but retaining the core of the narrative or story-telling aspect of my past work. Nancy De Boni.
Ndeboni.com ~
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