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Photo Sharing. Your Photos Look Better Here. | SmugMug
Dear friends and family; This will be the complete collection of my family photo history, feel free to download the photos, leave comments, and view with the several viewing options, and share with any other of our extended family.
(Hint) try the fullscreen slideshow or journal option. All shots are in the highest resolution possible.
After some experimenting with: flickr, facebook, mobile me, I think I found the best professional looking photo site without any privacy or ownership issues;(Smugmug). This will be a ongoing project because i must restore most of the old shots to breath new life into them. This is a labor of love for me as I have lots of practice using ADCSEE PRO 2. Later I will start working on my own photos which span from the 70's up till now. That is a collection in the thousands, starting from Jersey till all my travels in Asia and Europe and my business's and life here in Holland. I always loved photography and currently shoot with Nicon D60 with the amazing 18-200mm zoom.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy "PLEASE DO LEAVE COMMENTS ON ANY PHOTO".
Joseph Grillo ~
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