Hotel RIMSKI MOST | Sarajevo
Hotel rimski most je moderan, novoizgradeni objekat na obali kristalno ciste rijeke Bosne. Prostire se na povrsini od 12.500m2. U najljepsem prirodnom ambijentu, uz tihi sum vode i rijecnu obalu, hotel predstavlja atraktivno i romanticno mjesto. Za sve koji zele uzivati u ljepotama netaknute prirode i dozivjeti istinski gurmanski ugodaj. Blizina aerodroma, glavnog saobracajnog terminala, znacajnih kulturnoistorijskih spomenika, privrednih centara kao i obrazovnih institucija lokaciju hrm cini idealnom za sve vrste i tipove smjestaja,odmora i poslovnih aktivnosti. Kapaciteti, sadrzaj i infrastruktura hotela besprjekorna organizacija, bogata ponuda i kvalitetna usluga garantuju uspjesnu erealizaciju svih manifestacija i vidova smjestaja. Jednostavno hotel u centru i zizi zbivanja, s potrebnom dozom intime, tople domace atmoisfere i optimalnih uslova za boravak. Taxi servis sa aerodroma, autobuske i zeljeznicke stanice prilikom dolaska i odlaska je besplatan.Roman Bridge Hotel is a modern, newly built facility on the shores of the crystal clear rivers of Bosnia. It covers an area of 12.500m2. The beautiful natural surroundings and the soft sound of water and the river side, the hotel presents an attractive and romantic place. For those who enjoy the nature and experience a true gourmet atmosphere. Close to the airport, the main transport terminals, significant cultural and historical monuments, commercial centers and educational institutions of the Roman bridge hotel location makes it ideal for all kinds and types of accommodation, vacation and business activities. Capacities, content and infrastructure of the hotel flawlessly organization, offers a rich and good quality service guarantee the successful implementation of all manifestations and forms of accommodation. Just a hotel in the center and focal points of events, with the necessary touch of intimacy, a warm and homely atmosphere and optimal conditions for the stay.
Taxi service from the airport, bus and train station on arrival and departure is free.
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