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EastSail: Sailing Sydney Harbour - Sailing Sydney - Sailing Sydney, Yacht Sydney, Cruiser Sydney, Sailing school , Learn to sail, Sailing School, Sailing Course, Yachting course, Sailing tuition, Yatching course, Yachting lessons, Sailing lessons, Sailing courses, Pacific Sailing School, East Coast Sailing, Beginners Course, Start Yachting, Introduction to sail, Competent Crew, Dayskipper, Skippers course, Crew course, Inshore Skipper, Coastal Skipper, Yachtmaster, Yacht master, Yatchmaster, Yatch master, RYA, Royal Yachting Association, Sea safety and survival course, SSSC, Safety and sea survival course, Offshore sailing, Offshore course, Coastal cruising, Overseas holidays, Hamilton Island Race Week, Radar course, Diesel engine course, Twilight racing, Twilight sailing, Social sailing, Social racing, Shorebased courses, Race training, Sail trim course, Learn to race, Spinnaker course, Coastal Navigation, Navigation course, Seamanship, East Coast, Eastcoast, Sydney by Sail, Maritime Sailing academy, Ultimate sailing, Sydney private sailing, Sailing world, Yachtcharter.com, Adrenalin, Yacht Charter, Skippered, Bareboat, Sydney, Sydney Harbour, Rushcutters Bay, Australia, Charter a yacht, Hire a yacht, Yacht charter, Yacht hire, Corporate sailing, Sailing Sydney Harbour, Sightseeing, Boat hire, Boat charter, Yacht charter Sydney Harbour, Yacht hire Sydney Harbour, Christmas Parties, Simply sailing, Cruiser Hire, MV Yarranabbe, Luxury cruiser, Motor boat hire, Boat charter, Cruiser charter, Cruiser hire, Cocktail cruise, Lunch cruise, Cocktail cruise, Sightseeing, Corporate charter, Rushcutters Bay, Corporate Events, Sailing regattas, Regattas, Corporate regattas, Sailing regatta, Regatta, Yacht race, Treasure Hunt, Treasure Hunt Sydney Harbour, Sailing Treasure Hunt, Corporate sailing, Team building, Team challenge, Team racing, Team sailing, Corporate challenge, Staff incentive, Incentive
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Five Star Sailing School: Sail & powerboat lessons - instruction, corporate hospitality, yacht charter and race training
Sailing School providing RYA RORC and JOG yacht courses for cruising and racing yachtsmen. Corporate Sailing and hospitality events, yacht charter is supported and individual or group bareboat charter or skippered charter is available. Courses cover instruction for Yachtmaster Ocean, Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper, competent crew and powerboat rya level 1, rya level 2 and advanced courses . Marine support courses for survival at sea - VHF radio operators license - Radar for Navigation and Avoidance for Collision at Sea - Marine Diesel maintenance and Weather / Meteorology for seagoers. European Inland Waterways Regulations tutoring to RYA approved standards is available and powerboat / RIB tuition is provided to qualify for the appropriate certificates. J109 yachts available for The Fastnet and Regattas such as Cowes Week and Cork Week
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