Hönes Kuckuckuhren Musikdosen Räuchermännchen Nussknacker Puppen Bierkrüge Zinnwaren
Hönes Kuckuckuhren, Musikdosen, Räuchermännchen, Nussknacker, Puppen, Bierkrüge, Zinnwaren, Holzschnitzereien, Weihnachtskrippen, Musikdosen, Schwarzwalduhren, Souvenirs, Cuckoo Clocks, Woodcarvings
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Woodcarving by George
The only woodcarving school for beginners in New York City
We specialize in ready-made and custom woodcarvings. Woodcarving and drawing courses are also available. Exhibitions and demonstrations can be arranged. Contact us for membership to the Greater New York chapter of the National Woodcarvers' Association.
Woodcarvingnyc.com ~
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Antique and modern furniture with wood carvings - V&V Wood Studio
Hand Carved Furniture, wood carvings arts and crafts, interior design, antique and modern furniture, luxurious interiors and sculptures. Изготовление резной мебели. Столы, стулья, шкафы, гардеробы, кровати, комоды, витрины, секретеры, зеркала, гарнитуры спальни, кухонная мебель
Elitewoodstudio.com ~
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Michael Shea Woodcarving-Manufactures and stocks 100's of custom hand crafted and carved wood designs
Leading manufacture of custom hand carved woodcarvings for architectural detailing, architectural carvings, corbels, kitchen woodcarvings, capitals, posts, finials, trim, onlays, appliques, carved wood legs, custom carvings, mantels and bars.
Michaelsheawoodcarving.com ~
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