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Early Signs Of Pregnancy First 2 Weeks
Pregnancy ... Conception ... Baby ... Signs of pregnancy is interested in every woman who feels like something is wrong, a little unusual. It is no secret that not every pregnancy is expected, but not every pregnancy is a complete surprise to the woman. And well, if the first, early signs of pregnancy first 2 weeks appear before the delay, please a woman and her man, well, when the conception, pregnancy, childbirth and child - are expected and welcome. Why does need the woman to know what the symptoms of pregnancy? Knowledge about the first signs of pregnancy on the first weeks allows a woman to have more consciously refers to the fact that she was not alone, that it should behave more cautiously. Pregnancy should not be afraid, treatment of pregnancy - this is nonsense, because the pregnancy - is a natural process of human procreation. But even women who do not like or did not intend the child must also know the basic signs of pregnancy, in time to make the right decision. And even if the pregnancy is unwanted, it is not necessary to have an abortion, because abortion - it is murder, and murder their own child. At the moment of conception, the baby has a soul - and it proved the Orthodox Church. How would you either had a hard time right now, how would you Did not the first signs of early pregnancy, know that all the problems - temporary and surmountable, and if you just kill your mother baby, then you will not be able to forgive myself for this, then this nightmare will always be with you, it will haunt you. Once the Lord God has given you this pregnancy, this child - this rejoice because the Lord God will always help a woman with a child to overcome any difficulties. So, at what point you can define a first, early signs of pregnancy? It is important to know that before menstruation to do any tests on the definition of pregnancy - is absolutely meaningless and useless. However, the delay before the next menstrual blood discharge and even after 10-14 days, after a delay of no use, to not only buy and do a test by lowering the indicator in the urine of women, but even to be tested by a doctor. To determine pregnancy in absentia - by phone, Internet or video - is pointless and silly. 'll Either just go to a gynecologist appointment, or wait until menstruation and do a pregnancy test, or better yet - take a blood test to determine pregnancy hormone - HCG, or do an ultrasound. Prior to menstruation and two weeks after menstruation a woman can pinpoint a certain pregnancy symptoms that are classified as absolutely reliable signs of pregnancy, probable signs of pregnancy and doubtful signs of pregnancy.
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