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Canada WALKS
Canada Walks is an evolving program of Green Communities Canada which aims to showcase best practice in walk able communities using inspiring examples from Canada and around the world. Green Communities Canada has been working for the past 11 years on various walking and walk ability projects, starting out with Active & Safe Routes to School in Ontario. Canada Walks seeks to establish a culture of walking and create communities in which active transportation is safe, practical, and inviting. Canada Walks aims to involve many players: municipalities, public health, recreation organizations, environment and citizen groups, schools, transportation and land-use planners, police, developers, parents, and all levels of government.
Walkon.ca ~
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Similar Sites:
- canadawalks.info
- canadawalks.net
- canadawalks.org
Playeras WALKON
Walkon es una marca para chavos, con un concepto que se mantiene vigente en el mercado, logrando asi generar fuentes de empleo. Nuestros productos son prendas que cada temporada que evolucionan y cambia para satisfacer en gustos y tendencias los diversos giros que da la moda actual.
Walkon-wk2.com ~
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