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Lumen et Vita Partners in Homeschooling
The name Lumen et Vita means light and life. We believe that Jesus became God incarnate for our sakes and that in Him is life and that life is the light of men (John 1:4). Because of His death on the cross, Jesus abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel (1Timothy 1:10). Since we believe in the deity of Christ, that He along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, created all things, our educational philosophy is distinctively Christian. It is our motivation to learn more about God and what He has created so that we can know Him more, love Him more and be equipped to live for Him with all our heart thereby bringing Him greater honor. It is our conviction that parents can provide their children with a unique context for their education through home education. Yet this need not be done without help. It is our desire to provide parents with the support and accountability from the structured setting of Lumen et Vita. We believe the benefits of blending both home and classroom instruction are significant and a strength of our program. ~
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First Vita Plus Natural Health Drink
First Vita Plus is a Vegetable-in-a-drink. The 5+1 combination of these potent power herbs boosts energy, stimulates the healthy mind, relieves stress, gets rid of toxins and pollutants and aching muscles. Exactly what you need for your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, micronutrients, anti-oxidants, phytochemicals and fibers. ~
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