Wooden home furniture jodhpur,home furniture jodhpur,wooden furniture jodhpur,India
VISHNU INTERNATIONAL - Manufacturer, supplier and exporter of wooden home furniture, home furniture, wooden furniture, Indian wooden furniture, wooden home furniture, dining room furniture, bed room furniture, living room furniture, wooden furniture, bar cabinet furniture, iron furniture, Indian granite stone, Indian marble stone, Indian sandstone, Indian slate stone and Indian limestone.
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atman-yoga medellín (Yoga Ayurveda Meditación Medellín)
atman-yoga medellín, Nuestra tradición - Sivananda Yoga El estilo de Yoga que practicamos y enseñamos está basado en las enseñanzas de Swami Sivananda de Rishikesh y uno de sus discípulos Swami Vishnu Devananda. Estos dos santos de la India dedicaron su vida al estudio y a la práctica de las filosofías del yoga y Vedanta; así como a servir a los demás con un sentimiento innato de unidad con la humanidad. Su finalidad fue difundir el conocimiento espiritual de estas filosofías, traduciendo y haciendo comprensible el conocimiento de los Vedas a cuantas personas fuera posible. Nosotros fuimos iniciados en esta tradición milenaria de la India que se ha difundido oralmente de Gurú a discípulo a través de toda la historia Visión Un mundo pacifico, sin fronteras en el cual la humanidad es conciente de la unidad en la diversidad Misión Servir como intermediarios para transmitir el conocimiento antiguo del yoga y sus ciencias gemelas.
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InfoKall Investors Website
Adroit International, Asia Pacific Ventures, Bartronics America Inc., Bartronics India Limited , Vishnu Choudhary, Y. S. Chowdary, Chowdary Yallamanchili Satyanarayana, Indus Networks Limited, Infokall Enterprise Services Private Lim, Infokall Inc., Infokall Private Limited, Infokall Solutions Sdn Bhd, S.T. Prasad, Siripurapu Tirumala Prasad,Proximities Inc., Venkata Putta have been named as lead defendants in a lawsuit filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court (USA), by California investors for defrauding them of millions of dollars. The lawsuit was filed on November 14th 2008 and has since been making its way in the California court. For more additional information on the lawsuit you can visit www.lasuperiorcourt.org, case summary BC401966 or www.infokall.info for a copy of the lawsuit. (Or contact Bartronics India investors relations.)
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RamBhakt.com: Online source for Hindu resources
RamBhakt.com contains easily accessible valuable information and resources relating
to the Hindu religion like the Ramayana, Gita, Vedas, etc. It is a site created by a devotional person whose
knowledge comes from reading the various hindu books. Content on the site will also include contributions from
other learned people as well as discussions from public. RamBhakt.com will also have content for kids in an attempt
to teach the young religious facts.
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