Unica: 3,391 results found.
Ferienhaus in Kroatien auf der Insel Murter in Betina - Urlaub machen wo die Adria am schönsten ist.
Ferienhaus in Kroatien auf der Insel Murter in Betina - Urlaub machen wo die Adria am schönsten ist. Segeln, Tauchen, Trekking, Radfahren, Wandern, Nationalparks, Angeln, Motorboot, Strand, Meer, Adria, Kultur, historische kroatische Städte.
Terra-unica.com ~
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UniCa Residential - Restoring Homes for Students Living
UniCa is a real estate investment and property management company focused on university student housing. Our business model involves purchasing and renovating poorly-maintained homes and then leasing them out to students. We believe that there are win-win opportunities in adding value to existing properties, improving neighborhoods, and serving the housing needs of student communities.
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