MTI Travel Agency | Tirana | Albania
Travel Agency and Tour operator in Tirana, Albania, Agjensi turistike, Paketa dhe Udhetime turistike, rezervime hotelesh, pushimet e veres dhe plazh ne bregdet,ekskursione ne Paris, udhetime ne Budapest, Viene, Prage,Kroaci,pushime verore ne Turqi, kroaci Spanje etj.
Mtitravel-al.com ~
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Fluturime me aeroplan - udhetime me autobuse - aranzhmane turistike
Fluturime - udhetime per ne Prishtine, Tirane, Shkup. Paketa dhe aranzhmane turistike. Ilira Agentur organizon fluturime me aeroplan, udhetim me autobuse modern per ne Kosove, Shqiperi, Maqedoni, si dhe shërbime tjera si: kredi, turizëm, lundrime, marketing, punë
Iliria-agentur.com ~
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Fluturime - udhetime per ne Prishtine, Tirane, Shkup. Paketa dhe aranzhmane turistike. Ilira Agentur organizon fluturime me aeroplan, udhetim me autobuse modern per ne Kosove, Shqiperi, Maqedoni, si dhe shërbime tjera si: kredi, turizëm, lundrime, marketing, punë
Payper-shop.com ~
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Senad Tours
Transport i udhetareve deri ne pikat e deshiruara. Relacion i rregullt Struge - Tetove - Struge, gjat sezonit te veres relacion i rregullt Struge - Durres - Struge.
Senadtours.com ~
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HOTEL BAR RESTAURANT NOBEL in Tirana, located in the center, cozy bar restaurant, reasonable prices, comfortable rooms, airport transfers
Hotel Bar Restaurant Nobel,
is located right at the center of Tirana, Albania, about 150 m, offering comfortable rooms and a cozy bar restaurant at very reasonble prices. It's vicinity to the center of Tirana, where most of the government, social, cultural, business and entertainment goes on, makes it an ideal place for visitors to experience not only Tirana, but Albania as well. Hotel Bar Restaurant Nobel ndodhet ne zemër të Tiranës rreth 150 m larg sheshit Skënderbej, dhe ofron dhoma me kushte te rehatshme si dhe një restorant të ngrohte me çmime tepër të arsyeshme.
Hotelnobeltirana.com ~
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Interalbanian.com ~
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