Tuna Nicoise
Tuna Nicoise is a type of salad that is a specialty of the Cote D'Azur region of France. A Tuna Nicoise Salad typically contains crisp lettuce, tomato wedges, halved boiled new potatoes, steamed green beans, wedges of hard-boiled eggs, canned tuna and Nicoise olives. Finally the salad is garnished with tinned anchovies.
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Tuna Barcelona, Tunas en Barcelona , Tunas Barcelona, Tunos Barcelona - Tuna Barcelona, TUNA Universitaria BARCELONA, TUNAS en BARCELONA
TUNA BARCELONA ¡Haga su celebración Inolvidable con la Alegría de Tuna Barcelona! Tuna Bodas Barcelona, Tuna Aniversarios Barcelona, Tuna Serenatas Barcelona, Tuna Girona, Tuna LLeida, Tuna Tarragona
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