For Knit and open width fabric and woven textile, dyeing and finishing machine, shrinkage control system, manufacturer Ssangho,
Since 1963, Ssangho has produced many knit fabric finishing,woven textile, dyeing, and other machineries, We can all solve and control shrinkage for knit fabric woven textile. relax dryer, stenter for knit fabric, tubular open width compactor hydro extractor, automatic slitter, heat setting machine, mercerizing machine
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Dearborn Precision Tubular Products, Inc., Fryeburg Maine :: Home Page
Founded in 1947 by Howard K. Dearborn, Dearborn Precision has led the way in deep hole drilling, machined tubular components and precision tubing. One of Howard's early accomplishments was to develop deep hole drilled components for the first U.S. Navy nuclear submarine. This groundbreaking work led to the development of machinery and processes that were later applied to commercial nuclear, aircraft and other components.
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Cartridge heaters, Heating Elements and Metric heater from Turk+Hillinger also Coil and Tubular
Manufacturing of electrical heating elements, braking and retardation resistors as well as thermocouples - heating elements, cartridge heaters, Metric heater, Coil, Tubular, Nozzle, Immersion, Cal Rod, element, Sensoren, heating rod, heating rods, heaters, tubular heaters.
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