- Home Welcome to This site is a placemarker for the domain more than an actual website. My father and I have been toying with the idea of creating sort of a family tree website since he's got some information about the Gilraines dating back a good f InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Fingers_2_Myself TJADER-KNIGHT inc. brings together two Young New Media Artists toying with Flash and Digital soundscapes , from virtual installations to solids. InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Stones Across America ~ Welcome On June 7, 2009, I'm embarking on an adventurous bicycle ride of approximately 3,360 miles. It is not a spur of the moment decision. It's actually an idea I've mulled over in my mind for several years, while toying with the question that's eternally on the mind of most fifty-something males. InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Sanjay Personal Web page - Home Hi Guys, We are Ramanujam’s from Washington, D.C. and this is our home page. We have been toying with an idea to find a form where we can share and express ourselves for quite some time don’t know why. Yet to figure out why we want to do that and make an o InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Lucky Look... Lucky Look verbindet Projekte, die den Blick auf gesellschaftliche
Phänomene schärfen wollen.
Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach der Aufgabe und dem Einfluss vom
Design als Gestaltungsmittel im erweiterten Sinne.
Oft wird Design unterschätz z.B. im Vergleich zu Musik. Es wird behauptet, dass
Musik schneller berühre und mehr Emotionen auslöse. Design kann aber Bilder in
Köpfen entstehen lassen. Diese haben eine nachhaltigere Wirkung und treten
gegen die Daltons der Gesellschaft an. InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check