Hotel Tivoli
O Hotel Tivoli é uma excelente opção para quem busca conforto, sofisticação e serviços diferenciados para o lazer com a família ou viagem à negócios. A estrutura conta com 35 apartamentos divididos em oito andares, possuindo TV a cabo, ducha quente ou fria, ar condicionado, frigobar e telefone.
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Tivoli Properties
Tivoli Properties, Inc. develops high-rise condominiums, mixed-use developments, hotels, lofts, and next-generation multifamily housing throughout Atlanta and the Southeast. Through its affiliates Tivoli Communities, they also develop single-family and multifamily subdivisions as well as provide third-party construction and development of management services. Current projects include Aqua, a 25-story condominium in Midtown Atlanta, Mezzo, a 20-story spa inspired condominium, and Duo, trendy lofts located in historic Castleberry Hill. Scott Leventhal, founder and CEO, has a commitment and tenacity and has attracted top real estate investors like John Williams, founder of Post Properties, and Jorge Perez, founder and CEO of The Related Group. The executive team at Tivoli Properties, Inc. includes Scott Leventhal, John Jones, Doug Jones, Karen Hill, Jeff Gevertz, Kurt Raulin, and Ron Leventhal. Subsidiary companies of Tivoli Properties, Inc. include Tivoli Communities, Inc, developer of Hampton Island Preserve in south Georgia, and Tivoli Realty Services, Inc (TRS), a full service sales and marketing company.
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Restaurace TIVOLI
Na své cestì z Ústí nad Labem do Dìèína po pravé stranì Labe
nezapomeòte v obci Velké Bøezno navštívit vyhlášenou
restauraci TIVOLI.Objekt byl postaven v roce 1906, kdy sloužil jako výstavní síò pro nedaleký
slavný Pivovar
Restaurace-tivoli.cz ~
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