::天安門母親運動 Tiananmen Mothers Campaign:: - 制止政府逃責 Ending Impunity
天安門母親, tmc mothers, 釋放民運人士, 平反八九民運, 追究屠城責任, 結束一黨專政, 建設民主中國, 毋忘六四,繼承英烈志, 薪火相傳,接好民主棒, 毋忘六四, 平反六四, 堅持到底, 戰鬥到底 Remember June 4th, Inherit the goals of those before us; Pass on the torch,
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Tiananmen: The Gate of Heavenly Peace home
The Gate of Heavenly Peace website explores the 1989 protests at Tiananmen Square, and the resulting Beijing massacre of June 4. The site contains articles, essays, and book excerpts on the 1989 events and related topics, a media library with video, audio, and stills, a tour of Tiananmen Square, and information about the documentary film, The Gate of Heavenly Peace.
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