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Theimages: 162 results found. >amplify function wopen(url, name, w, h) { w = 32; h = 96; var win =, name, 'width=' w ', height=' h ', ' 'location=no, menubar=no, ' 'status=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no'); win.resizeTo(w, h); win.focus(); } // --> /*********************************************** * Ultimate Fade-In Slideshow (v1.51): Dynamic Drive ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit for this script and 100s more. ***********************************************/ var fadeimages=new Array() //SET IMAGE PATHS. Extend or contract array as needed fadeimages[0]=["images/moving banner.gif", "index.html", ""] //image with link syntax fadeimages[1]=["images/seriesaltar.jpg", "index.html", ""] //image with link syntax fadeimages[2]=["images/seriesmeetandgreet.jpg", "index.html", ""] //image with link syntax fadeimages[3]=["images/series3.jpg", "index.html", ""] //image with link syntax var fadebgcolor="#FFF" ////NO need to edit beyond here///////////// var fadearray=new Array() //array to cache fadeshow instances var fadeclear=new Array() //array to cache corresponding clearinterval pointers var dom=(document.getElementById) //modern dom browsers var iebrowser=document.all function fadeshow(theimages, fadewidth, fadeheight, borderwidth, delay, pause, displayorder){ this.pausecheck=pause this.mouseovercheck=0 this.delay=delay //initial opacity degree (10%) this.curimageindex=0 this.nextimageindex=1 fadearray[fadearray.length]=this this.slideshowid=fadearray.length-1 this.canvasbase="canvas" this.slideshowid this.curcanvas=this.canvasbase "_0" if (typeof displayorder!="undefined") theimages.sort(function() {return 0.5 - Math.random();}) //thanks to Mike (aka Mwinter) :) this.theimages=theimages this.imageborder=parseInt(borderwidth) this.postimages=new Array() //preload images for (p=0;p
') else document.write('
') if (iebrowser&&dom||dom) //if IE5 or modern browsers such as Firefox this.startit() else{ this.curimageindex setInterval("fadearray[" this.slideshowid "].rotateimage()", this.delay) } } function fadepic(obj){ if (<100){ =10 if (obj.tempobj.filters&&obj.tempobj.filters[0]){ if (typeof obj.tempobj.filters[0].opacity=="number") //if IE6 obj.tempobj.filters[0] else //else if IE5.5-"alpha(opacity=" ")" } else if ( else if ( else if (!obj.tempobj.filters) } else{ clearInterval(fadeclear[obj.slideshowid]) obj.nextcanvas=(obj.curcanvas==obj.canvasbase "_0")? obj.canvasbase "_0" : obj.canvasbase "_1" obj.tempobj=iebrowser? iebrowser[obj.nextcanvas] : document.getElementById(obj.nextcanvas) obj.populateslide(obj.tempobj, obj.nextimageindex) obj.nextimageindex=(obj.nextimageindex ' slideHTML =' ' if (this.theimages[picindex][1]!="") //if associated link exists for image slideHTML =' ' picobj.innerHTML=slideHTML } fadeshow.prototype.rotateimage=function(){ if (this.pausecheck==1) //if pause onMouseover enabled, cache object var cacheobj=this if (this.mouseovercheck==1) setTimeout(function(){cacheobj.rotateimage()}, 100) else if (iebrowser&&dom||dom){ this.resetit() var crossobj=this.tempobj=iebrowser? iebrowser[this.curcanvas] : document.getElementById(this.curcanvas) fadeclear[this.slideshowid]=setInterval("fadepic(fadearray[" this.slideshowid "])",50) this.curcanvas=(this.curcanvas==this.canvasbase "_0")? this.canvasbase "_1" : this.canvasbase "_0" } else{ var ns4imgobj=document.images['defaultslide' this.slideshowid] ns4imgobj.src=this.postimages[this.curimageindex].src } this.curimageindex=(this.curimageindex
amplifynow facebook biblequiz obj var style crossobj tempobj color document degree length slideshowid image filters function opacity array canvasbase iebrowser getelementbyid images postimages link fadeshow picindex curcanvas theimages background fadearray rotateimage fadeheight margin prototype text fadewidth x=d opacity= fadeimages alpha  ~  
Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Gee Asphalt Systems, Inc. - Perpetual Pavement, Asphalt Preservation Technology
geeasphalt asphalt preservation gee pavement technology systems perpetual fadeimages jpg images asp slide asphaltpreservation var array aboutgee =new iceprevention training green technicalinformation slideshowid private canvasbase default public fadearray productsandservices function image theimages photo curimageindex iebrowser syntax document slidehtml curcanvas getelementbyid  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
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