Cathy Modica
Cathy Modica, specializing in portraits of dogs, and dogs doing what they were bred to do.
Event photography, and private sittings, ad design and layout, and paintings also available.
Cathymodica.com ~
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Dogma Photography
Dogma Photography by Cathy Modica, specializing in portraits of dogs, and dogs doing what they were bred to do.
Event photography, and private sittings, ad design and layout, and paintings also available.
Dogmaphotography.com ~
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GAL Mérnöki Iroda Kft. - folyamatirányítás, automatika, ipari elektrotechnika
Irányítástechnika, automatizálás, PLC programozás, tervezés, felügyeleti rendszer, adatgyűjtés, gyártás, kivitelezés, üzembe helyezés, szerviz.
Gal-mi.com ~
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