We are a factories union. We have six factories who have been manufacturing auto parts for light and heavy duty vehicles with over 10 years experience, and one branch company in Shanghai who is responsible for exporting. We have passed the quality conformity certification of ISO 9001. We have employee more than 2000 and have a strong capacity of developing new product and standard way of inspection.Our main market is North America,Latin America,East Europe,Africa,Middle East, Asia.We have partners in over 30 countries.
Our products mainly include:
1) Brakes Series (Brake Pad, Brake Shoe, Brake Lining)
2) Clutches Series (Clutch Disc, Clutch Facing, Clutch Cover)
3) Joint Series (U Joint and C.V Joint )
4) Timing Belt Tensioner
5) Timing Belts,PK Belts, V Belts
6) Water Pump
7) Auto Sensor and Switches
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