楊格室內建築設計-Yangger Artists
Yangger,Artists,楊格室內建築設計公司,提供綜合性設計施工,建築設計,室內設計,展覽空間規劃,燈光設計,形象設計,品牌規劃,平面設計等服務.長達十多年的建築、裝修設計施工經驗,對於由設計、建材選擇、施工過程到完工,所有細節都經過細心規劃,詳細而確實執行。忽略任何細節,都將會造成工程及品質的延宕。擁有諸多居家裝修見證實例,國內外顧問團隊;建材及施工工法研究資料庫、常態性設計美學與專業訓練、各階段施工團隊等組織架構。Yangger artist sprovides strong design and good customer service at a reasonable cost. H.J. are the creative force behind the company combining over 17 years of training and experience in Interior design and web and graphic design and development.
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IT ectropy
Our objective is to help businesses and government organizations align IT resources in order to achieve maximum efficiency of service measured as a ratio between cost of service and the business benefit provided. This alignment includes review and changes to the organization of human resources, systems, applications and IT-Business architecture. We offer recruiting services, application development, enterprise and system architecture design, IT management consulting with emphasis on process and its efficiency.
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