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golf costa brava emporda girona, golf costa brava, parlem de nou (9) camps amb un disseny tècnic excepcional, amb personalitat pròpia, diferenciada (links, arbrat, challenge, ...), on cada dia que passeu entre nosaltres serà diferent.
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Acupuncture Software - Practice management & Reference software online store
Qpuncture, Inc. is a leading developer and supplier of high quality educational software for acupuncture and oriental medicine. We develop educational software not only to teach acupuncture, but also to emphasize and increase the understanding of oriental medicine by the western culture. Our core product, 'Qpuncture - Tao of Medicine,' is a self-study/reference guide CD-Rom containing principles of both oriental and western medicines, and 3D animations of acupoints and needling methods as well as 3D illustrations of flow in channels.
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Bethacril és una empresa jove i dinàmica amb ganes d'innovar dins del món del disseny i la creativitat. En l'afany de ser el màxim de perfeccionista en totes les obres escull un únic material sobre el que treballar, el metacrilat.
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