Finca El Reflejo
Yoga, Aventura, turismo rural, ecología, agricultura ecológica, biodinámica, permacultura, tai chi, reiki, camping, finca con casa, río, retiro, meditación
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Thomas Ulch's Photos | SmugMug
My name is Thomas William Ulch II. I live in Ann Arbor and teach in Ypsilanti, Michigan at Eastern Michigan University.
I am running a fund raising sale now! $50 for a 1 hour shoot in Ann Arbor! This will only run from now until March 1st, 2011
Currently we are in the process of opening a small community arts space. If you would like more information or if you are an artist who might like to be involved I strongly encourage you to contact us!
I have always been a wanderer and in the summer of 2004 I combined my love of travels with my passion for sharing them.
Part of being an educator is being a student. Whenever I am out of the classroom, I try to visit someplace new and that transformation takes place. I live to meet new people and experience new cultures. I find that I learn a lot about my own culture by being immersed in others. Being on the road is exhilarating and terrifying. It allows you to be totally in the moment and forces you to rely on the kindness of strangers. I have never been let down. The more people I meet from all over the world, the more confidence I have in the inherent goodness of humanity. I urge you to go out and experience the world for yourself! In a week in a completely foreign land where you don’t speak the language you will find out a lot about yourself and about humanity in general. Some lessons may be painful, some will be joyous but I promise you, you will learn.
I have traveled extensivley through Germany, Austria, Denmark, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Bosnia, Canada, Slovenia, Croatia, Luxembourg, Korea, Switzerland, The UK, Mexico, Nicaragua, Hounduras, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, and of course the States.
I am always willing to donate my work so feel free to contact me.
My time in Central America really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I always knew in the abstract that we in the States live in what Carolyn Forche calls an "island of greed and grace" but nothing could have prepared me for some of the things that I saw. The conditions that some people live in are very bad. And of course it is the children who suffer the most. We all need to do our parts. In this spirit I will donate a portion of the sales of my work to the public school of Talnique, La Libertad, El Salvador. I strongly encourage you to help someone in some way. It is all of our obligation to make the world a better place.
I will be slowly adding new photos from my most recent trip over the next few weeks so keep coming back. Also, If you have any input or information about some of the places listed, please contact me.
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Cathy Austin Photography
Photographer Cathy Austin's goal is to capture elements using the subtlety of light and composition. Residing in Oakland, California, her photos are of moments in time on Earth. Cathy is drawn to color, light and solitude and basks in Earth's beauty.
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Cabañas Moxviquil
Casa y Cabañas Moxviquil es un lugar ideal para convivir y descansar en pequeos grupos de amigos y familiares; en la tranquilidad de una bella reserva ecologica de la hermosa ciudad de San Cristobal de las Casas
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