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Baby Photographer San Francisco Bay Area >> Tami A. DeSellier >> Home
Tami DeSellier specializes in baby photography for babies and children of all ages. As the only photographer in her San Francisco studio, Tami is directly involved with every client. She shoots exclusively in black and white with minimal props to capture the baby's natural expressions and personality. When clients request, Tami will hand-tint selected photos in oils, a process that originated before the color photo was invented. Known for her energetic disposition and passion for photography, Tami often accepts speaking engagements with parent education groups and mothers' groups around the San Francisco Bay Area. She also has several exhibits and a greeting card line.
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Tami Davis Photography
Tami Davis is a professional photographer specializing in wedding and portrait photography throughout the Lewiston, ID - Clarkston, WA valley and surrounding areas.
Tami Davis Photography currently services the Lewiston, ID/Clarkston, WA valley and surrounding areas .
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