Tambour Maj Antiques
This site is unique in that it's stock of fine British, French and American military and related antiques is sourced from a singular, private collection, over 50 years in the making. Many of these items have long been in private hands and are fresh to the open market. This advanced collection covers, fine furniture, American and European clocks, British pottery and Toby Jugs, American and British Maritime, European Portrait Miniatures, snuff boxes, fine sculpture, rare books as well as Civil War and other related Americana. However, the main focus of this estate is Napoleonic-era French and British militaria. Everything from rare documents and signatures to fine swords and side arms, uniforms, armor, insignia, medals and other related campaign items. Artwork and original period prints from a wide range of Napoleonic Wars subjects can be found as well as a bounty of period books. To collectors of this genre, please note our special categories on the specific area of LORD HORATIO VISCOUNT NELSON, THE DUKE of WELLINGTON (both found in their own sub-categories under the MILITARIA category) and NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Highly sought after items of these main figures in the Napoleonic Wars can be found throughout the collection. As a single estate in liquidation, much of the information is sourced from the original collector. This is not a professional dealer site, nor are we an authority of Napoleonic era antiques. All efforts have been made to accurately describe the items within. Full photographs of each item are posted within its respective page gallery to offer the collector as much information as possible. Upon request, we can answer specific questions regarding items on the site as well as more detailed photos. A maximum of 10 photos are posted per item, however more complex antiques such as sabers and uniforms usually have more photos instantly available on request. We encourage and are grateful for any information that you, the collector can provide to make the shopping experience here a more pleasant one.
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