Afghanistan Television
Afghanistan Television on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and more, Sign up and share your playlists.
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Afghan Orphans - انجمن خیریه ایتام افغان
انجمن خیریه ایتام افغان یک نهاد مستقل و استوار بر اساس ارزشهای انسانی و اخلاقی میباشد موسیسن این نهاد بشردوستانه جوانان متدین، آگاه، پرشور، و مسئوولیت پذیر هستند که از روی احساس مسئوول دانستن خویش در قبال اولاد ی بی سرنوشت و یتیم و مصیبت دیده وطن و انگیزه های عاطفی و اخلاقی دست به بنا نهادن انجمن خیریه ایتام افغان زدند.
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Kabul Law
Kabul Law on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and more, Sign up and share your playlists.
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The Kashmir TELEGRAPH - Views :: Opinion :: Analysis - A Kashmir Bachao Andolan Publication
The Kashmir Telegraph is the publication of Pune-based, not for profit, think-tank, Kashmir Bachao Andolan, launched with the objective of providing news, views and opinions on Kashmir in particular and Indian sub-continent in general. The Kashmir Telegraph is distributed worldwide to various think tanks, academicians, media, and political establishment to present an unbiased perspective of Kashmir and India. The publication aims to be objective and candid, independent of any opinionated or profitable interest. The featured content is based on essentials and facts with the sole aim of unraveling the truth, a unique blend of news and analysis. The publication aims to translate critical forewarning signals from sources around the world to give readers an impartial, no-nonsense evaluation of up-and-coming trend
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