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Ellen Ringstad, Artist, Welcome to the website of Portuguese-Norwegian artist Ellen Ringstad. Ellen lives and works in both Oslo/Bergen and is currently a Bachelor student at the Bergen National Academy of the Arts, Deptartment of Fine Arts (KHiB). See also Ellen's blog on http://www.etrart.blogspot.com
Upcoming exhibition: stlandsutstillingen 2010, stfold Kunstnersenter, March 6th. Profile: Biomorphic form, growth, decay, transformation, materiality, tactility, repetition, accumulation are some keywords to describe Ellens artworks. She experiments in different media sculpture, installation, photography, drawing, painting and uses a range of materials such as textiles, paper, plastic, organic material etc. Ellen Ringstad - Billedkunstner - Velkommen til hjemmesiden til Ellen Ringstad, Norsk-Portugisiske kunstner, hvis arbeid er biomorfisk, taktilt og organisk, forfrende og skremmende. Ellen tar for yeblikket en bachelorgrad ved Kunsthgskolen i Bergen, Avdeling Kunstakademiet (KHIB).
Ellenringstad.com ~
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