. . . * * * Eran Tahor . Cinematography . Photography * * * . . .
Eran Tahor, Cinematography, South Africa, Director of Photography, DP, DOP, Photography, Cape Town, HD, HDSLR, canon 5D Mark II, Film, Documentary, TV Series, Lighting Cameraman, Studio filming, commercilas, broadcast, production, post-production, final cut pro, apple, script, concept
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. . . * * * A I O N F I L M S * * * . . .
Eran Tahor, Cinematography, South Africa, Director of Photography, DP, DOP, Photography, Cape Town, HD, HDSLR, canon 5D Mark II, Film, Documentary, TV Series, Lighting Cameraman, Studio filming, commercilas, broadcast, production, post-production, final cut pro, apple, script, concept
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