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elisha veldhuijzen photography victoria wedding | SmugMug
Elisha is a dedicated, passionate, professional photographer. She is a graduate of Western Academy of Photography. Currently she lives in Brisbane, Australia. Elisha has been traveling the world experiencing different cultures since she was 20-years-old. She seeks to understand and appreciate life's wonders through her lens.
"Discovery consist of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought," - Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi. ~
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Gorgova - Duna Delta
A Duna 2680 km megtétele után, mielőtt a Fekete tengerbe ömlene hozta létre ezt a csodálatos területet amit Duna Deltának hívunk. A Duna három főága Chilia, Sulina és a Szent György, számos mellékág, csatorna, holtág, láp, nádas, erdő és homokdünék alkotják ezt a vizivilágot, amely még mindig hihetetlenül gazdag halban, vadban és madarakban. ~
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