Symptoms: 66,588 results found.
The symptoms of dyslexia
The classic symptoms of dyslexia include trouble reading or spelling, poor concentration, difficulty processing word-sounds and poor short-term verbal memory. For sufferers, or parents of sufferers, the real issue is not whether the condition exists, but what can be done to help. ~
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Symptoms Of Ptsd
PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety-related psychological disorder that can appear after one has been exposed or one has experienced a lucidly identifiable traumatic incident or event that threatens one's self, others, resources or an event that poses danger to a person's sense of control, wholeness and hope. In short, an event or an experience that overwhelms the person, to the point where in normal psychological coping mechanisms are not able to keep up. Some examples of common events or experiences that act as triggers to the development of PTSD are hostage taking crisis, war, any form of violence whether to one's self or to others, terrorist attacks, disasters and calamities like floods and earthquakes, and so much more. ~
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Symptoms Of Perimenopause
Symptoms of perimenopause occur at least 10 to 15 years before menopause, which signals end of the menstrual cycle. Menopause is when there is an absence of periods for more than a year. The age at which this occurs on an average is 50 or 51. The age at which perimenopause occurs is not definite. Symptoms mostly appear between the ages of 45 and 55. It is important to be informed about the symptoms of perimenopause to identify it when it is experienced. Being aware will help in dealing with the situation better. ~
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Constipation Symptoms
Constipation symptoms include infrequent bowel movements, difficulty having bowel movements, abdominal pain, and vomiting. By understanding the causes, prevention, and treatment of constipation will help most people find relief. ~
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Symptoms Of Exhaustion
Exhaustion involves general physical weakness and one's inability to show ones own normal performances. A person can feel exhausted due to overwork, exposure to high temperature, stress, depression, anxiety and for a number of various reasons. Symptoms of exhaustion can be classified into two categories ~
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