Find H1N1 Symptoms, H1N1 Testing and Prevention with our H1N1 Mobile BSL2 Testing Labs and Health Clinics for A-H1N1 Swine Flu Influenza Pandemic, Symptoms, Vaccination and Pandemic Preparation. Also used for Avian/Bird Flu, SARS, Cholera, our ORLANDO Mobile BSL2 Laboratories are built for Biorisk Reduction and Survei
Mobile H1N1 Testing Medical Labs (Biosafety Level 2 )and Health Clinics built for A-H1N1 Swine Fu Pandemic Preparations and Testing, as well as H5N1 Bird Flu, SARS, AIDS/SIDA/TBC/CholeraInfluenza, Surveillance and Response programs via our Mobile Epidemics Laboratories from ORLANDO Systems. These Mobile BSL2 /BSL3 Laboratories (see the MLEE-3500 and MLBFE-3500), to support WHO CSR programs, epidemic alert and response, the Global Village Outbreak and Global Alert as well as laboratory Biosafety in Mobile applications. We at ORLANDO Systems Inc, plan to provide emergency medical aid and care, together with the donors, to pandemic victims, WHO, and NGO's in EU, Africa, ME, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, India and other affected countries via our Mobile BSL2 CSR eLaboratories, Clinics and other Emergency systems with training and support. We will accept legitimate organization listings and qualified medical volunteers willing to go with our systems. We plan to help prevent, prepare for, and cope with the latest SARS and Bird Flu/Avian Influenza, Veterinarian and Medical emergencies, for the local CSR organisations to better serve the health
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