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Escuela de idiomas Windsor House
Escuela de idiomas Windsor House Cambrils, ofrece aprendizaje de idiomas, español para extranjeros, clases de repaso, servicios a empresas, campus de idiomas, clases de informática, servicios de traducción, servicios subencionados como: cursos de reciclaje, cursos de formación ocupacional, FORCEM, etc.. Windsor House is a language school where we can teach you six different languages - English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Catalan. We also give classes in computer use and revision and extra lessons in all subjects for primary and secondary school pupils. Our other services include: Language classes on your COMPANY PREMISES, Advice on LANGUAGE COURSES ABROAD, Professional TRANSLATION SERVICE, Servei Català de Col·locació (Catalonia Job-finder Scheme), JOB TRAINING AND RE-TRAINING COURSES (subsidised by the Catalan Regional Government and the European Union). ~
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copperhill development know options subsidised programs learn company product strategic financing services strong internationally planning areas operational idea sell necessary provide background support marketing effective contact years theoretical experience doing consider fast practical results operating umbrella helping credible professional image ~
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