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Salty Dog in conjunction with Stephen Hutchinson fine art photography.
SaltyDog is a work in progress to serve as a vehicle for local artists, photographers and craftspeople to collaborate in image-making, printing and promotion of their work.
Stephen Hutchinson fine art photography is concerned with production of very high quality limited edition prints and bespoke commissions of land and seascapes, architectural, decorative and all things nautical.
this is a short message for the lovely folk we have met at the Dartmouth Royal Regatta . As you know this was our debut weekend and after a shaky start we've had a great launch. The feedback has been extremely positive and i would like to express thanks to all who have expressed interest in our fine art panorama framed prints, people who have requested certain edition numbers will be notified during next week.
As i was saying, this site is in development and i hope to have lots of galleries completed, as and when time allows, so please bear with us.
How the site works.
the boxes you are seeing are galleries, they contain photos and sometimes information, some of these boxes will belong to you, you can let other's see them if you give them the key, they allow you to check out projects we have discussed or to preview prints you have ordered, you can leave comments in there, or email, thats it.
Folk who have our tel' no' and email address please feel free to get in touch any time .
All the best and hope to see you all soon.
Stephen (Hutch) Hutchinson.
Saltydogoriginals.com ~
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