Dr. Craig Barcomb - Sarasota Chiropractic, Sarasota Neck Pain, Sarasota Back Pain, Sarasota Arthritis, Headaches, Spinal Stenosis, Gonstead, Sciatica, Leg pain, Migraine, Manipulation, Rehabilitation, Electrical Stimulation
Dr. Craig Barcomb specializes in a research-based approach to chiropractic care called the Gonstead Method, which utilizes a more extensive analysis and specific approach to adjustments. The Gonstead Chiropractor uses five criteria to analyze and detect spinal problems, leading to the ability to create a highly individualized program of correction.
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heat pack, back pain, arthritis, scoliosis, herniated disc, spinal
stenosis, neck pain, fibromyalgia,
Cutting edge info: back pain, heat pack, neck pain, its causes & new treatments. Focuses on ways to find back pain relief, emphasizing heat therapy using our revolutionary heat pack
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