Spoken Word Ministry - Home Mission Statement The mission of this ministry is to bring an enlightment to the body of Christ concerning spiritual gifts with a strong emphasis on prophecy. We desire to bring an awareness and assist in developing your gifts. Through this it is our goal Swmatlanta.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Spoken English Training with Inspired English. Are you embarrassed or nervous when you try to speak English? Are you unable speak English with the confidence you desire? How long will you tell yourself that you can't? because I know that you can. Inspiredenglish is a spoken English training course developed by Inspired by Poppy Ltd - a UK-registered company. This is a system that allows you to speak English from the very first day. Available as a 10 module classroom-based or computer-based on-line course Inspiredbypoppy.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Improve My Spoken English | World English Club A free learning English website to help people learn better spoken English conversation skills. Improve your English with everything from idioms and daily grammar lessons to Learn English Forums and conversation listening skills to daily English conversations by native English speaking Americans. Worldenglishclub.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Polarbear, spoken word artist Easy, This is me, PolarBear saying, “Welcome to my interweb home”. I’ll be writing regular blogs; things I’m thinking, liking, hating, eating and chasing on this home page from now on. Click on the buttons to the left to explore the different sections and go over my face for a proper Brummie growl. Nice one Homeofpolar.com~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check