Songwriters: 6,111 results found.
Coventry Singer Songwriters
The Coventry singer songwriters group is based in and around Coventry in Warwickshire, UK. The group began in February 2010 when some like-minded musicians got together to give each other the inspiration and motivation to write a new song each month, based upon a set theme. ~
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Houston Songwriters Association
The Houston Songwriters Association (HSA) is a non-profit 501 (C3) organization serving the greater Houston area for over 15 years.
Our mission is to support and encourage the art and craft of songwriting,
to provide resources and educational opportunities to songwriters,
and to nurture a positive environment in which songwriters may fully develop their potential as songwriters.
The group meets monthly to critique songs and showcase talent.
News, member achievements, and special events are conveyed through our newsletter, Liner Notes. ~
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