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Dendigitaleskole.dk ~
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This 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Single Family located at 2604 Troy Street, South, Arlington, Virginia is presented by Carole Skole
A quiet and very friendly neighborhood where people walk dogs, play basketball, and hold neighborhood picnics and cookouts in the nearby park
Close to DC, Pentagon, Crystal City, Shirlington, National Airport, Potomac Yard Shopping Center with stores, restaurants & movies, bike & jog trail to Shirlington & National Airport - and park with stream & picnic areas.
On the direct bus line to the Crystal City Metro & the Pentagon Metro
Walking distance to shopping center with grocery store, restaurants, & numerous shops, like barber shop, bank, pizza parlor, Slavin’s Fish Market, Gold’s Gym, tennis courts, Gunston Center with Shakespeare Theatre, indoor sporting areas, outdoor soccer & basketball fields, tennis courts, children’s programs, sporting events,
2604troy.com ~
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