FMR Productions
Flavia Richards, Michael Richards, Michael William Richards, Flavia, Richards, Producer, FMR Productions, bilingual production, voice-over, Spanish translation, spanish transcreation, script, script writing, web design, animation, talent, Español, music, custom music, video production, video, voiceover talent, voice talent, union talent, non-union talent, hispanic talent, foreign talent, PR, announcement, announcing, ballyhoo, billing, blasting, broadcasting, buildup, displaying, exhibiting, exhibition, exposition, hard sell, hoopla*, hype*, pitch, plug, posting, proclamation, promo, promoting, promotion, publicity, puff, screamer, spread, squib, air, announce, be on the air, beam, cable, circulate, colorcast, communicate, get out, go on the air, go on the airwaves, put on the air, radio, radiograph, relay, send, show, simulcast, telecast, telegraph, telephone, televise, transmit, advertisement, air time, announcement, newscast, performance, program, publication, radiocast, show, simulcast, telecast, transmission, construe, convert, decipher, decode, do into, elucidate, explicate, gloss, make clear, metaphrase, paraphrase, put, render, reword, simplify, spell out, transcribe, transliterate, transpose, turn, alter, commute, convert, metamorphose, transfigure, transform, transmogrify, transmute, transpose, turn, article, book, copy, dialogue, libretto, lines, manuscript, playbook, scenario, text, typescript, words, arrangement, configuration, construction, depiction, device, doodle, drawing, figure, form, illustration, motif, motive, organization, painting, pattern, picture, portrait, shape, sketch, treatment,celluloid, cine, cinema, cinematics, cinematograph, feature, film, flick, motion picture, moving picture, photoplay, picture, screenplay, show, silent*, silver screen, talkie, talking picture, videotape,
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