SIA Training for SIA Licence, Door Supervisor training, CCTV training, Security Guard Training, Vehicle Immobilisation Training, Close Protection training, Physical Intervention training
SIA Licence Training course providers for SIA Door Supervisor course, SIA CCTV Licence training Course, Security Guard training course, SIA Vehicle Immobilisation Licence curse, Close Protection course, NCPLH personal licence training course and other SIA Training Courses in London Croydon Southend Guildford Oxford Reading Kent Slough Chelmsford Milton Keynes Southampton Nottingham Leicester Peterborough Birmingham Oxford Stoke-on-Trent Manchester Leeds York Liverpool Blackpool Bradford Sheffield Preston Ipswich Norwich Poole Portsmouth Brighton Exeter Plymouth Exeter Swansea Swindon Bristol Cardiff Dover Ramsgate Newcastle Middlesbrough Carlisle Glasgow Edinburgh Dundee Aberdeen Belfast Dungannon Londonderry Weekday and weekend courses available.
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Security In Action Guards Ltd - Security Services in Dartford, Kent, London, Essex, Norwich, Norfolk | Retail Security, Static Security Guards, Door Supervisors, Mobile Patrols, Keyholding / Alarm Response, Event Security, Concierge Services, Estate Management
Based near Dartford, Security In Action Guards Limited provide a wide range of security services using SIA licensed staff to the Kent, London, Essex, Norwich and Norfolk areas.
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