Sassyworks: 5 results found.
Zagata. Modern Lighting Solutions
Zagata is focused in design, installation and maintainance of modern lighting solutions. For every client we can design a unique lighting, according to the existing interior. Zagata deals with lighting fixture trading, prior to electric installations and design, complied with specific interior. We offer to our costumers fashioned, aesthetical and distinctive complete design, installation, guarantee and maintenance. The light fixtures we offer are based on attractive and original solutions, having in mind there is always an opportunity to show a new creative approach. ~
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IKIS Studio Light
IKIS Studio Light is focused in design and production of lighting systems. Own a factory for manufacturing of: wall luminaries, pendant luminaries, ceiling luminaries, floor and table luminaries, office luminaries, low-voltage cable lighting system, low-voltage twin rail lighting system, downlight and spotlight, special destination lamps, curtain-rods. The Quality Management System of IKIS Studio Light meets the requirements of the EN ISO 9001 : 2000 standard. ~
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Тенис Клуб Малееви
Най-модерният спортен комплекс в столицата вече е на разположение на всички, които имат желание да спортуват, да се възстановяват или просто да си починат в приятна и спокойна обстановка. Заповядайте и вие. ~
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Биотрейд - Медицинска козметика
Биотрейд е създадена през 1992 г. с основна дейност - разработване, изпитване и производство на дерматологични продукти. Целта на Биотрейд е да произвежда винаги качествена и ефективна медицинска козметика, съобразена със световните изисквания за качество. ~
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