Emanuel Lutheran Church - "Emanuel !"The word Emanuel means "God is with us". That is amazing news indeed and it does always seem new... and strange. God, that which is beyond us and beyond our comprehension, is closely present with humanity! What a statement! What a "truth"... could this be? We at Emanuel Lutheran Church are a people of faith, gathered around Word and Sacrament in order to discern this thing. It is Word and Sacrament that gather us, because with these it seems God is most present. They are both ancient and as new as today! The Word is that of God, an unfolding mystery; the Sacrament is the presence of the Christ, and a mystery more. Nurtured by Word and Sacrament, we believe that in Christ we are made children of God and heirs of everlasting life. By the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are called, gathered, enlightened, and kept in true faith. In a sense we "are" all connected because of this holy presence... please know that we are a people gathered here with whom you may connect in Word and Sacrament, should you so wish! Peace and blessing, Pastor Harv
_______________________________________________________________________We are members of Lutherans Concerned North America http://www.lcna.org/
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Cannabis Ministry Amsterdam : WELCOME : THC Ministry Amsterdam
It is our opinion that cannabis is the original sacrament of Hebrew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto, Buddhist, Rasta and more,and fulfills the prophesies to 'feed all our hungers', we use The herb (marijuana, cannabis) for religious reasons. As Cannabis Sacrament, join us today!
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