Sorriso da Rita
O sorriso de Rita é hoje uma associação de solidariedade social sediada em Espinho,com o objectivo de apoiar crianças, jovens e adultos, portadores de paralisia cerebral.
Iniciou-se como um projecto que partiu da cedência dos direitos de autor de dois livros do jornalista e escritor Mário Augusto. A verba perfez um total de quase 40.000 e concretizou-se em diverso material como cadeiras de rodas eléctrica/mecânica, cadeiras de de posicionamento/transporte, cadeiras de banho, computadores/
dispositivos adaptados e outros apoios à comunicação. Nos próximos anos a associação espera desenvolver projectos de maior proximidade e apoio directo.
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Rita Twiggs Ministries
Hi! Dr. Rita Twiggs here, welcoming you to my house! Here at Rita Twiggs Ministries, we are focusing on “The Basics”, such as prayer, gospel preaching, fellowship, and Bible teaching.
This site, with its connected sites, has been built with you and your family in mind! I hope it will provide inspiration and instruction that will compel you to join our family here, through the ONLINE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP! While you are visiting, take a tour; take the time to check out every part of the site, and give me your feedback. I want to know how we can serve you and our Lord to the best of our ability.
If you want to experience ministry right away, DOWNLOAD the complimentary message as my gift! Leave your name and request in the prayer center!
If you have EVER been blessed by this ministry and just want to say thank you, please LEAVE a dollar as a gift that will be greatly appreciated! May God bless you mightily, and I am praying that you will JOIN our family as we advance the Kingdom of God! I love and am praying for you!
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Rita's Portfolio
Rita's portfolio of design and photography. I studied arts, and then I attended a professional course of photography at IPF (Instituto Português de Fotografia – Portuguese Institute of Photography). After it I started a Degree Course in Design at IADE (Instituto de Artes Visuais, Design e Marketing – Visual Arts, Design and Marketing Institute). Through the Erasmus program, I finished my course successfully in Salzburg (Austria), at the University Fachhochschule Salzburg (University of Applied Sciences).
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