Riga: 3,844 results found.
Riga Hotels - Latvia Hotels
BookRiga.com helps you book your hotel in Riga, apartment in Riga, hostel in Riga, Bed & Breakfast in Riga and other types of accommodation in Riga. BookRiga.com finds real-time hotel rates and read guest reviews of all accommodation in Riga from more than 60 top online accommodation providers, all in one single search saving you time and money.
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Hotel in Riga / Hanza Hotel in Riga - Riga Hotels
In a short walking distance from the Riga Old Town, Central Railway Station, International Bus Station and next door to the Academy of Science HANZA HOTEL is expecting guests of Riga. Housed in a recently renovated hundred years old apartment building it is located in a historical place where merchants from old times were crossing roads, selling goods and having a rest after long trips
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