The Reverend Dan - Firearms, Shooting & CHL Pages - Plano, DFW, TX
I am the 'Reverend' Dan Murray from Plano, TX, but I do not take the title too seriously. I am a life-long shooting enthusiast and a non-recovering Glockaholic (but realize that Glocks are not for everyone). I have had my Texas Concealed Handgun License (CHL) from the beginning of the program in 1996 and have been a Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)-certified instructor since 1999. I teach personal defense with a focus on the 'personal'. It begins with mind-set - you have to accept that it CAN happen to any of us and we must be prepared. We should use the tools that work best for each of us individually and should be proficient with those tools. Not all defensive situations justify deadly force. We apply the use of force continuum starting with situational awareness and continue through the legal, moral and ethical implications of using deadly force. We must continue to learn which tools and techniques work best for us because when we stop learning, we are dead. Look forward to learning with you, Rev Dan - RKBA!
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Home - Reverend Joel Davis
Rev. Joel Davis specializes in creative, custom, non-denominational wedding and commitment ceremonies specifically composed with you in mind. Traditional, innovative or a bit of both, I look forward to delivering for you a ceremony that you and your guests will remember always.
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Reverend Gary Davis Home Page
Reverend Gary Davis, born April 30, 1896, died May 5, 1972, was an amazing guitarist and a remarkable person. This is a fan site with biographies, discography, song lyrics and links to books and videos on how to play them, audio samples, stories, pictures, and memorabilia.
Reverendgarydavis.com ~
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