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EvoPro Financial Research GmbH - Evolutionär optimierte Finanzprognosen
EvoPro Financial Research GmbH developes and sells financial forecasts, predictions of interest rates, prognoses of stock markets, currency-rates esp. US-Dollar-exchange rates used by banks, investment companies and other financial institutions. It developes intelligent forecasting systems such as econometric based neural networks. The development of special evolutionary strategies and genetic algorithms led to very high performing neural networks and to an exceptional performance of their bond- and stock-portfoliomanagement. - EvoPro entwickelt: Intelligente Prognoseverfahren, Finanzprognosen, Neuronale Netze, Evolutionsstrategien, Genetische Algorithmen, Aktienkursprognosen, Zinsprognosen, Dollarkursprognosen, Portfoliomanagement-Beratung, Festzinsstrategien, Verfahren zur Steuerung von Zinsänderungsrisiken, Optimierung der Zinsbindungsstruktur von Bankbilanzen, Simopt-Verfahren. ~
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