Healing Hands Colorado offers Reflexology, Massage, and Skillful Touch. Janice Sullivan is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Reflexologist, and a Skillful Touch Practitioner. Schedule your appointment online now for Reflexology, Massage, Skillful Touch, epsom salt scrub, ear reflexology, hand reflexology, Healing Hands Colorado is located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Healing Hands Colorado works in the Denver Colorado metro area.
Reflexology is the application of pressure, stretch and movement to reflex points on the feet, hands and ears that correspond to organs, glands and structures of the body. Reflexology opens blocked energy pathways to organs, muscles and body structures. Therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress; and, to promote health and wellness. Skillful Touch softens and loosens the body’s connective tissue membranes allowing the body’s energy pathways to naturally open. When the pathways are open the body begins healing.One of the most popular and least time-intensive massages is the seated chair massage. This form of massage doesn’t require any disrobing, allowing the chair massage to be in public surroundings usually lasting 10 minutes to 30 minutes. Chair massage for the most part is used at specific events.Janice and her daughter Misty perform House/Business re-energizing. This technique is very similar to a clearing, but focuses more on re-energizing the good energy of the building and land. The team uses the combination of drumming and sage. If you would like more information or to schedule a re-energizing please email Healing Hands Colorado using this link
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