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Safe Haven Urban Redemption
Safe Haven urban redemption is a faith based non-profit organization in Newark NJ focused on redeeming our city by redeeming the next generation. We are a ministry committed to breaking the generational curses that are forming the urban youth of today. There are an estimated 2000 at risk youth within a ten block radius of our church and we desperately want to reach them with the life changing power of the gospel. Through our various programs, we develop kids and teen agers spiritually, creatively, mentally and socially for the Glory of God and the joy of all people.
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Redemption Hill Church / Welcome
We desire to love the city because of the love that God has for us. We believe that we are missionaries in the city of Indianapolis seeking to serve and bless those around us. We pray that God would bless our city by transforming individual lives through the Sovereign grace of the living Christ, and visibly transform our communities through the humble service of a loving church.
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