Puppeteers: 257 results found.
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An extraordinary group of youth dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus Christ through lively music, humor and creative puppetry. An outreach ministry of Ebenezer United Methodist Church in Loudoun County, Virginia
Nancyshands.com ~
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Companyia professional de teatre d'animacio ( teatre de titelles marionetes mascares objectes ). Espectacles de mitja i petit format, per a interior i aire lliure, per a tot public i per a nomes adults Radicada a Barcelona - Compania de teatro de animacion ( titere marioneta mascara objeto ). Espectaculos de mediano y pequeno formato para interior y para calle, para todos los publicos y para solo adultos - Compagnie professionnelle de Barcelone Espagne, specialise en theatre d'animation ( marionnettes marionnettes a fil objets masques ) Spectacles de petit et moyen format, pour salle ou plein air pour tout public et pour seulement les adultes - Professional company from Barcelona (Spain) of animated theater ( puppets string-puppets objects masks ) Shows of small and medium format for theaters and open air or street, for all audiences and only adults - Compagnia professionale di teatro d'animazione ( pupazzi marionette maschere oggetti ). Spettacoli di piccolo e medio formato per fare al chiuso oppure all'aperto per tutti i pubblici e per solo adulti Radicati a Barcellona (Spagna).
Rocamorateatre.com ~
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