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Capital Punishment Pros And Cons
Which scenario is most likely and what is the balance of Capital Punishment Pros And Cons? Now, when the question is an edge, you can list three scenarios: the abolition of the death penalty, its recognition, or some intermediate version, which, incidentally, has existed until now - namely the moratorium. The essence of a moratorium on the practice means a very interesting thing: the death penalty formally exists, but it cannot be applied. Extension of the moratorium will look a bit weird and inconsistent - there is a problem, and it must decide finally. I am inclined to think that capital punishment be abolished. Generally, the philosophical and legal point of view, the death penalty there are quite a lot of strong arguments and you can list a number of prominent philosophers of law, who considered the death penalty is quite acceptable and even useful. But these pros do not work with you in this situation. With the current corrupt law enforcement agencies, the weakness of the judicial system, the death penalty - too terrible weapons to trust this power to our law enforcers is simply dangerous. Of course, many of them are honest and responsible people, but the system should be completely different, to give such a terrible power. Although I believe that the death penalty in modern world should not exist, this does not mean that criminal law should be softer. No, on many issues, particularly relating to issues of corruption, by contrast, want tougher penalties. In other words, there is no need to mitigate the criminal law in general. But we cannot trust law enforcement agencies to such an extent as to enable them to dispose of people's lives. We cannot know how committed judicial error, but there is a suspicion that their number is too large. One thing is when people mistakenly sent to prison, is quite another - when he was killed. This irrevocable option and the cost of failure is too high. Those who think that the jury is sufficient safeguard against errors, worth a look-known film Billy Wilder's
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