Emch Fundraising, LLC - Welcome :: Butter Braid Pastries, Classic Breaks Cookie Dough and Pastry Puffins
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Hi , my name is Debrah Perry
I would like to tell you a few things about myself. I’ve lived in Sunderland all my life and from an early age I loved to paint and draw. At about the age of 19 I started an art and design course, and loved every minute of it.
I started to draw dancers and loved how their bodies looked in black and white, ballerinas are one of my favourites. I also have a great fondness for wild life, birds are the ones I most enjoy painting .I found puffins a great bird to bring to life in paint. Another one of my enjoyments is painting and drawing the much loved Winnie The Pooh and friends, I also do portraits.
Working with water colours, charcoal, pastels and acrylics are my other skills, I like working with these as much as I like working with paint.
I hope you will enjoy looking at my pictures as much as I did painting them.
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