Publishing: 304,156 results found.
2 Timothy Publishing
2 Timothy Publishing has two new books: Letters to My Feathered Friends, is a collection of 76 bird poems and stories with color photos, and The Last of the Prune Pickers, A Pre-Silicon Valley Story. ~
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f/64 Publishing
f/64 Publishing publishes a wide range of books with high intellectual and entertainment standards. We publish the works of Dave Norman and many other authors in our pursuit of redefining publishing in the 21st Century. Our debut book is White River Junctions, with more scheduled for release in 2011. Please join us for excellent creative nonfiction from independent authors, along with top-notch fiction and intriguing discussion of this best of all possible worlds…or is it? ~
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Avendia Publishing
Avendia Publishing helps to turn ideas into powerful media tools. We strive to create high quality, avant-garde technical journals, trade books and textbooks, using the latest publishing technology and advanced marketing strategies to compete in a rapidly evolving global literary industry. ~
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100 Publishing
Welcome to 100 Publishing - the brand new way to get your book published with no hidden costs. For a fixed fee, you get 100 copies of your book for you to sell at a profit, your own ISBN number, and your book placed in the British Library ~
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